Deactivating and activating projects
When you create a project, it is by default ‘Active’. This means that this project is open or ongoing, and that its forms and shared albums are available. An active project also takes up space from your Projects storage.

A ‘Deactivated’ project means that this project is closed but not deleted. Its forms and shared albums are no longer available, and it will not take space from your storage. You will not be able to enter the project while deactivated, but everything is still there and available if you reactivate it.

You can deactivate an active project from the ‘Projects’ section and from the project dashboard as well. To deactivate an active project, click ‘ DEACTIVATE’ from its edit menu ().
To activate a deactivated project, go to the ‘Projects’ section and click the ‘Activate’ button () and the project will be reactivated automatically.