Ask questions
You can include questions in your submission forms, in case you need to know specific things about applicants for your project.

Yes/No questions

This kind of question is a simple question to be answered with an affirmative or negative response.

To add one to your form, click on the ‘Select question’ box and pick from the list of premade questions. The added questions will show up under the selection box. Some of them include a further question for when the response is positive. Though you’re adding questions from a premade list, you can edit them by clicking the text field.

At the bottom of the list, you will have the option to add a ‘Custom yes/no question’ and a ‘Custom yes/no question with a further question if affirmative’. Once added, click on the text fields to write your questions.

To remove a question from the form, click its delete button on the right side.

Open questions

These are questions that applicants will reply introducing their own reasoned answer. To add one, click on ‘ADD AN OPEN QUESTION’. Then click on the text field below to start writing your question.

To remove an open question click its delete button on the right side.