Deleting profiles
To delete profiles, check the profiles and click ‘DELETE’ at the end of the top left menu, and click ‘DELETE’ once again in the confirmation window.

When you delete a profile inside a work session or album, the profile will be deleted from that specific session/album, but if the profile is also in another session/album, it will not be deleted from there.

To delete a profile from the project altogether, go to View al profiles and delete the profile from there. The profile will be deleted from all the sessions/albums inside the project.

You can delete profiles from your projects, but they will not be deleted from your People gallery. A profile that enters any of your projects, through any of its work sessions, is a profile automatically saved in your People gallery, and it will remain there even if you delete it from the project entirely.

To delete profiles from your People gallery, click the same ‘DELETE’ button on the top left once you have the profiles selected. Unlike work sessions and albums, when you delete a profile from the People gallery, it will be permanently deleted from the gallery itself, but it will also be removed from all the projects it is a part of.